Location |
Damage |
Kg |
Night of |
Time |
Bomb No |
Albany Road, junction with Lansdown View |
UXB. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1094 |
All Saints Road |
Direct hit on All Saints Chapel. Incendiaries in large numbers too. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2082 |
Apsley Road, junction with Newbridge Hill |
4079 |
Archway Street |
11/12 Apr 1941 |
00.25 |
HE0006 |
Ashley Avenue and Station Road |
4 |
25/26 Apr |
1.13 |
I1009 |
Ashley Avenue, in front garden of corner house |
3 houses destroyed, others damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.05 |
HE1152 |
Audley Grove |
Damage to "The Linleys" |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0036 |
Audley Grove |
Damage to "New Audley Cottage" in Audley Park Road |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0037 |
Audley Park Road |
Damage to "New Audley Cottage" |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0032 |
Audley Park Road |
Damage to No.30. |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0033 |
Audley Park Road |
Damage to Nos.27 and 28. |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0034 |
Audley Park Road, grounds of "Sunnylands"  |
7 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
I1020 |
Avon Buildings. See HE1015 |
Avon Street |
Direct hit on No.67, many houses wrecked. |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2005 |
Avon Street, junction with Kingsmead Square |
Two mains fractured. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1005 |
Avondale Road |
UXB at No.46 |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0026 |
Avondale Road |
UXB at "J Long & Sons" timber wharf |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0025 |
Avondale Road |
Direct hit on store building at west side of road attached to the brickworks. Building demolished. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2142 |
Avondale Road. At rear of houses |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1228 |
Bartlett Street |
4043 |
Barton Buildings, Milsom Street, back of Jolly's at bottom of footpath |
UXB. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2018 |
Bathwick Hill (top) and Widcombe Hill (top), in woods between |
In Smallcombe Wood approximately 400 yards west of "Woodlands", 800 feet SW of "Upton House". |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2098 |
Bathwick Hill. See also Dunsford Place |
Beechencliffe Place |
In back garden between 2 rows of houses. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1181 |
Beechencliffe Place and Beechencliffe Road. See also Wells Road |
Beechencliffe Road |
Direct hit on house, 3 demolished. Picture here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2117 |
Belgrave Road, junction with Upper East Hayes  |
UXB in a garden 100 yards from London Road, 20 yards from 3 houses with gardens |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1192 |
Bellotts Road  |
Direct hit on two houses. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1052 |
Bennett Street, Regina Hotel |
Direct hit, half building completely demolished. Pictures here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2014 |
Bennett Street, Assembly Rooms |
Major fire caused by incendiaries Pictures here. |
I4049 |
Bloomfield Avenue, 200 feet west of Maple Grove at rear of nursery |
Stable demolished. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1235 |
Bloomfield Avenue, in front of house at north side of avenue |
Nos 12 and 13 demolished. Picture here. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1234 |
Bloomfield Drive, Odd Down |
UXB in a field north of the drive, 400 feet from the centre of the road. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1162 |
Bloomfield Drive, Odd Down. In gardens at rear of Nos.30 & 32 |
4 houses seriously damaged, 20 slightly damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1163 |
Bloomfield Drive |
West of HE1163 |
4058 |
Bloomfield Drive, Steringdale Farm, 35 yards from south end |
Serious damage to farm. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1164 |
Bloomfield Drive |
In field north of the road. |
4057 |
Bloomfield Road |
"Wellworthy Cottage", 80 yards from the road and directly opposite Longfellow Avenue. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1213 |
Bradford Road. See Fox Hill and also Springfield Farm |
Brassmill Lane |
UXB in garden of No.51 |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0018 |
Brassmill Lane |
UXB in allotments |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0019 |
Brassmill Lane |
UXB in allotments |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0020 |
Bridge Road, Iron Foundry |
7 |
N/K |
I3061 |
Bristol Boys School, Lyncombe  |
(Cannon Shells ?) |
25/26 Apr |
I1011 |
Broadway |
Direct hit on Nos 12, 13 and 14 |
11/12 Apr 1941 |
00.25 |
HE0002 |
Brook Road. In waste land 150 feet from Lower Bristol Road |
Nissan shelter damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1081 |
Brook Road, Junction with Southview Road. 35 feet from HE1054 |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1055 |
Brougham Hayes Bridge, on GWR near |
Slight damage to line. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1025 |
Brougham Hayes, Domestic Science College |
At base of building. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1062 |
Brougham Hayes |
By wooden hut at rear of Domestic Science College. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1064 |
Brougham Hayes |
On tennis court at rear of Domestic Science College. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1063 |
Brougham Hayes |
Behind houses near Victoria Road. |
4065 |
Bruton Avenue. See HE1175 |
Burlington Street |
Direct hit on corner building which was demolished. Rescue Squad. Picture here. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1047 |
Byron Road |
In a garden at end of road. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2118 |
Calton Road  |
In back garden between 2 rows of houses. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1202 |
Camden Crescent, at rear of |
Roof damage to 8 houses and concrete static water tank pierced in several places. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2122 |
Canterbury Road and King Edward Road |
12 |
26/27 Apr |
2.10 |
I2024 |
Catharine Place |
Picture here. |
4045 |
Cavendish Road "Cavendish Villa" see also I1046 |
10 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1045 |
Cedar Walk, off Lower Oldfield Park Road |
House destroyed. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1078 |
Cedar Walk. In sidewalk 100 yards from Lower Oldfield Park Road |
UXB. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2026 |
Cedar Walk. 130 feet from Oldfield Road |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
23.30 |
HE2029 |
Charlcombe Lane |
3 |
26/27 Apr |
I2036 |
Charlcombe Lane |
91 |
26/27 Apr |
I2045 |
Chaucer Avenue. See HE2121 |
Chelsea Road |
34 |
25/26 Apr |
1.13 |
I1008 |
Cheltenham Street |
Direct hit on house 210 feet from Sydenham Park. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1183 |
Cheltenham Street |
Direct hit on back of house 210 feet from Sydenham Road, other side of the road. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1184 |
Cheltenham Street |
Direct hit on back of house. Picture here. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2106 |
Cheltenham Street |
Between the street and Lower Bristol Road. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2107 |
Circus |
UXB. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2015 |
Circus |
UXB in basement of No.4. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2016 |
Circus |
Some damage.  |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2017 |
Circus Mews, junction of Circus Place |
Direct hit on "Circus Tavern". |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1253 |
Circus Mews, junction of Circus Place. |
Direct hit on adjacent garage. 2 x HE's caused severe damage (a), 10 shops damaged (b) and 6 houses also damaged. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2152 |
Circus Mews |
4046 |
Circus Mews |
4047 |
Circus Mews |
4048 |
Claverton Down Road |
Near Claverton Down quarries |
4004 |
Claverton Down Road |
Near Claverton Down quarries |
4005 |
Claverton Down Road |
Near Claverton Down quarries |
4006 |
Claude Avenue. |
11 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
I2051 |
Colbourne Road, 24 yards west of Wells Road, 77 yards from Oolite Road |
"The Limes" demolished. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
1.40 |
HE1142 |
Colbourne Road. See also Upper Bloomfield Road |
College Road and Lansdown Road. |
12 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
I2032 |
College Road and Sion Road |
Rescue Squad. |
15 |
25/26 Apr |
3.00 |
I1022 |
College Road, at "Beaumont". |
4 |
26/27 Apr |
1.15 |
I2034 |
College Road, Summerhill Park |
In field, many incendiaries around. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2137 |
College Road, Summerhill Park |
In potato garden, 200 feet from nearby house. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2138 |
College Road and Hamilton Road. See I2031 |
Combe Park Road |
3 houses demolished, others damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1124 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
Some damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1116 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1117 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1118 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1119 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1120 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1121 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1122 |
Combe Park Road, in field at rear |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1123 |
Combe Park Road, rear of houses |
2 half demolished. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
0.05 |
HE1115 |
Cork Street |
UXB. Slight damage to Nos. 18 and 19 |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0017 |
Coronation Avenue, junction with Lymore Terrace |
At rear, No.15 damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1083 |
Crandale Road, South Twerton. In back garden |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1244 |
Crescent Gardens  |
No damage or casualties. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2012 |
Crescent Gardens |
56 |
25/26 Apr |
23.45 |
I1015 |
Crescent Lane. |
3 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
I2041 |
Cynthia Road. |
2 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
I2054 |
Location |
Damage |
Kg |
Night of |
Time |
Bomb No |
Daniel Street at junction of Henrietta Gardens and Sutton Street |
Garage damaged in Henrietta Gardens. Blast damage to No.1 Daniel Street (Pictures here) |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.20 |
HE1003 |
Denmark Road |
250 kg UXB in back garden. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1059 |
Denmark Road |
In back garden. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1252 |
Devonshire Buildings |
Direct hit on No.7, 70 yards up on the south side. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1214 |
Dorchester Street. See HE1032 |
Dorset Street |
Direct hit on 2 houses. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1060 |
Dorset Street |
Direct hit on St.Peter's School. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1061 |
Dorset Street. In Pitman's stock room |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1058 |
Dunsford Place |
4007 |
East Close, Haycombe Estate, rear of Nos.13 & 14 |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1157 |
Edward Street (Locksbrook ) |
Damage to rear of No.34. |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
HE0031 |
Edward Street (Locksbrook) |
Oil Bomb |
4/5 Sep 1940 |
0.10 |
I0035 |
Edward Streeet (Locksbrook) St.Michael's Cemetery |
12 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
I1019 |
Egerton Road |
4021 |
Ellen's Place. See Howe Hill |
Elm Grove Terrace. Rear of row of houses in larder |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1053 |
Elm Grove Terrace , 30 feet from HE1053 |
Picture here |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1054 |
Englishcombe Lane, junction with Westfield Close |
Rear of corner house. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2030 |
Englishcombe Lane. In garden of No.167, 30 yards from Post Office |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
2.00 |
HE1223 |
Englishcombe Lane |
Behind the houses on the south side of the road, near "The Moorlands". |
4059 |
Entry Hill "Glen". In a field 100 yards east of |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1134 |
Entry Hill "Glen", rear of |
36 feet from back of house. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2041 |
Entry Hill "Glen", south of |
In a field 65 yards south of HE2041. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2042 |
Entry Hill "Glen" |
In a field 36 yards SW of HE2042. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2043 |
Entry Hill "Glen" |
In a field 40 yards west of HE2043. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2044 |
Entry Hill "Glen" |
In a field 21 yards north of HE2044. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2045 |
Entry Hill. See Springfield Farm |
Excelsior Street.  |
Direct hit on No. 16 |
11/12 Apr 1941 |
00.25 |
HE0003 |
Excelsior Street, junction with Archway Street |
Severe damage |
11/12 Apr 1941 |
00.25 |
HE0004 |
Fairfield Avenue |
In the reservoir north of the road. |
4056 |
Fairfield Park Road |
In fields north of road |
4015 |
Fairfield Park Road |
In fields north of road |
4016 |
Fox Hill, east side |
Direct hit on house 5 yards from the road 40 yards down, south of Bradford Road. 2 houses demolished, 5 damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.20 |
HE2046 |
Fox Hill. See also Springfield Farm |
Frome Road/Wells Road, north side |
In Recreation Ground between the roads. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1144 |
Frome Road/Wells Road. 90 yards north of HE1144 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1145 |
Frome Road/Wells Road. 34 yards west of HE1145 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1146 |
Frome Road/Wells Road |
UXB 12 yards south of HE1146. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1147 |
Frome Road/Wells Road |
Possible UXB 180 yards north of HE1146. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1148 |
Frome Road/Wells Road. 10 yards north west of HE1148 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1149 |
Gillingham Terrace, junction with Kensington Gardens. See HE2154 |
Glebe Road, Southdown Estate, front fence of No.20 |
1 house demolished, 5 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1160 |
Glebe Road. See also HE1159 |
Green Park, 250 yards east of HE1012 |
Damage to houses. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1016 |
Green Park. |
49 |
26/27 Apr |
1.29 |
I2029 |
Green Park Buildings  |
2 houses demolished in West Wing. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1018 |
Green Park Buildings |
Damage to East Wing. Picture here. |
4030 |
Green Street, North side |
4037 |
Greenway Lane, in grounds of City of Bath Boys School |
10 yards NNE of HE1215. |
1800 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2128 |
Greenway Lane, in fields near Lyncombe Vale Lane |
4018 |
Greenway Lane, in fields near Lyncombe Vale Lane |
4019 |
Greenway Lane, in fields near Lyncombe Vale Lane |
4020 |
Guinea Lane, junction of Roman Road |
In Hedgemead Pleasure Gardens, NW of road junction. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1254 |
Hamilton Road and College Road. |
9 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
I2031 |
Hamilton Road, at "Rockville" |
4 |
26/27 Apr |
1.10 |
I2033 |
Hanover Terrace |
Damage and machine gunning. Rescue Squad. Picture here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2127 |
Harley Street |
Direct hit on house (Rest Centre). |
?50 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1048 |
Haycombe Drive. In open ground behind houses, west of HE1102 |
4078 |
Hayesfield Park |
At back of house. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1170 |
Hayesfield Park |
Direct hit, house demolished. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2114 |
Hayesfield Park |
Direct hit on wall. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2115 |
Hayesfield Park |
In centre of gardens, severe damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2116 |
Hayesfield Park |
At rear of house near Wells Road. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1204 |
Hayesfield Park. See also HE1169 |
Hedgemead Park. See HE1254 |
Henrietta Park, in centre |
Glass damage up to 75 yards. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1001 |
Henrietta Park, 49 yards east of HE1001 |
Glass damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.20 |
HE1002 |
Henry Street |
Direct hit, 3 houses and 4 stores demolished. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
HE2020 |
Henry Street |
Direct hit, 3 buildings demolished. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
HE2021 |
High Common |
Damage to 6 houses around, in Cavendish Place, Cavendish Villa, Cavendish Road, Winifred's Dale, Park Mansions |
18/19 Apr 1940 |
1.01 |
HE0007 |
High Common |
UXB near Cavendish Road |
24/25 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0008 |
High Common  |
On Golf Course, incendiaries nearby. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2090 |
High Common  |
On Golf Course. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2091 |
High Common |
143 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1046 |
High Street Twerton, Bath City Football Ground |
Oil Bomb |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
I0029 |
High Street Twerton, Bath City Football Ground |
Damage to Enclosure |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
HE0042 |
High Street Twerton, rear of "Oriel Cottage" |
Some damage |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
HE0043 |
High Street Twerton |
Damage to No.6 |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
HE0041 |
High Street Twerton |
Direct hit on Nos. 7 and 8 |
16/17 Jan 1941 |
22.23 |
HE0046 |
High Street Twerton, in field behind houses |
Damage to No.34 |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
HE0047 |
High Street, Twerton |
30 feet of boundary wall demolished. Damage to Rose Cottage. |
?50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1095 |
High Street Twerton, St.Michael's Church |
Damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1097 |
High Street Twerton, Twerton Cottage. In orchard at rear of Nos.18 & 19 |
2 cottages totally demolished, 85 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1093 |
High Street Twerton, Twerton Recreation Ground. Behind football stand |
Damage to stand. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1091 |
High Street Twerton, Twerton Childrens Recreation Ground, behind football stand |
Damage to stand. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1092 |
Hollow. See The Hollow |
Holloway |
At rear of house, 2 houses demolished, 8 back walls down. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2109 |
Holloway |
Direct hit on house near HE2109. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2141 |
Holloway |
In garden opposite Magdalen Chapel. Picture here. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2110 |
Holloway |
In hillside. Damage. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2111 |
Holloway |
In a garden 6 feet from path. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2112 |
Holloway |
Direct hit, house demolished. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2113 |
Holloway |
In gardens. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1203 |
Holloway |
Direct hit on row of shops. |
25/26 Apr |
2.30 |
HE1201 |
Holloway |
Direct hit on 3 shops. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
2.30 |
HE1180 |
Holloway |
By Trafalgar Place |
4023 |
Holloway |
By Trafalgar Place |
4024 |
How Hill, Twerton Farm  |
396 |
25/26 Apr |
3.00 |
I1001 |
Howe Hill, Ellen's Place |
5 cottages demolished. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1096 |
Hungerford Road, east side (25/26). |
84 |
25/26 Apr |
0.50 |
I3055 |
Hungerford Road, east side (26/27). |
26/27 Apr |
1.35 |
I3053 |
Hungerford Road, west side (25/26). |
86 |
25/26 Apr |
0.50 |
I3056 |
Hungerford Road, west side (26/27). |
26/27 Apr |
1.35 |
I3054 |
Hungerford Road, west side. See also Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetary |
Location |
Damage |
Kg |
Night of |
Time |
Bomb No |
Innox Road. In rear garden of No.8 |
Slight damage to 12 houses. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1090 |
Ivy Avenue. |
24 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
I2053 |
Ivy Avenue |
In nurseries behind houses. |
4072 |
Ivy Grove |
Nos.4 & 5 hit. Nos. 3 & 6 also destroyed. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1087 |
Ivy Grove |
No.15 totally demolished. Nos.14 & 16 seriously damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1088 |
James Street West |
Direct hit on Holy Trinity Church. Fire. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1037 |
James Street West |
8 houses demolished. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1038 |
James Street West |
Large area burnt out including Labour Exchange and Holy Trinity Church. |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2006 |
James Street West |
Damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2011 |
Jews Lane, Twerton, 130 feet west of |
On railway embankment. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1231 |
Johnson Street, Recreation Ground opposite the Abbey |
Grandstand demolished by a direct hit. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1004 |
Juda Place. See Snow Hill |
Julian Road, junction of Northampton Road |
Direct hit. 4 store houses demolished, St.Andrew's Church and surrounding properties damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1190 |
Julian Road, Northampton Buildings |
5 buildings and a furniture depot demolished. (combined damage from HE1045 & HE1046) |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1045 |
Julian Road, Northampton Buildings |
5 buildings and a furniture depot demolished. (combined damage from HE1045 & HE1046) |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1046 |
Julian Road, St.Andrew's Church. |
6 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
I2042 |
Julian Road, rear of |
Direct hit on Silver Sails Taxi Co. Garage demolished, others damaged.
(Silver Sails operated from 6a Burlington Place, Julian Road.) |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
4.40 |
HE1187 |
Julian Road |
4050 |
Junction Road, junction with Shaftesbury Road |
The house on the corner hit. Blast damage to rear of house in Upper Oldfield Park (Pictures here). St Bartholomew's Hall (the "Tin Church") destroyed. Click here for more details about the "Tin Church". |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1066 |
Junction Road |
On Junction Road garage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1067 |
Kelston View, Haycombe |
UXB in a field opposite No.38 |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1153 |
Kelston View, Haycombe. In a field opposite No.41 |
Some damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1154 |
Kelston View, Haycombe |
In a field 12 feet in line west of HE1154. This bomb crater is still visible, picture here. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1156 |
Kelston View, Haycombe. In a field between HE1154 & HE1156 |
Slight damage. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1155 |
Kensington Gardens, junction of Gillingham Terrace |
At rear of house. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2154 |
Kensington Place. See London Road |
Kensington (used as an area). See also London Road |
King Edward Road |
Direct hit on St Bartholomew's church. Click here for pictures and details. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1068 |
King Edward Road |
Direct hit. Pictures here. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1070 |
King Edward Road |
Gas, water and electricity affected. Fire. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1071 |
King Edward Road. See also I2024 |
King Georges Road. On the edge of allotments to the east of Lansdown View |
Damage to houses. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1240 |
King Georges Road, midway between HE1239 (Lansdown View) and 4081 (Ringwood Road) |
4082 |
Kingsmead |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
1.29 |
I2030 |
Kingsmead and Old Bridge, towpath between. |
22 |
N/K |
I3063 |
Kingsmead North |
Blast damage to flats and houses, Bristol Transit Motors and Wholesale Fruit Warehouse. (combined damage from HE1034 & HE1035) |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.30 |
HE1034 |
Kingsmead North |
Blast damage to flats and houses, Bristol Transit Motors and Wholesale Fruit Warehouse. (combined damage from HE1034 & HE1035) |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.30 |
HE1035 |
Kingsmead Square, junction with Avon Street - See HE1005 |
Kingsmead Street, opposite Joceline House |
Blast damage. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1009 |
Kingsmead Street, next to Clockyer and opposite Kingsmead Board School.  |
8 houses demolished, 5 on one side of the road, 3 on the other. Picture here. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1010 |
Kingsmead Street, by Cross Lane  |
Cross Lane ran between Kingsmead Street and Monmouth Street. Pictures here. |
4039 |
Kingsmead Street |
4040 |
Kingsmead Street |
4041 |
Kingsmead Street, junction with Charles Street |
4042 |
Kingsmead Street, St.James Street, Monmouth Street. |
48 |
N/K |
I3064 |
Kingsmead West |
ARP Stores completely demolished. Also blast damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
1.30 |
HE1036 |
Kipling Avenue. 51 feet from centre of Chaucer Avenue |
Damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2121 |
Kipling Avenue, City of Bath Boys School Playing Field, 40 yards south of main gate |
25/26 Apr |
HE1215 |
Lansdown Crescent |
In a field overlooking the crescent. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2081 |
Lansdown Crescent |
North of Tennis Courts, 200 yards south of the crescent. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2153 |
Lansdown Crescent. In a field 300 yards from the crescent |
No damage, clocks stopped at 05.40 hrs. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2080 |
Lansdown Crescent |
In centre of field. Incendiaries on each side. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1197 |
Lansdown Crescent |
In centre of field. Incendiaries on each side. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1198 |
Lansdown Crescent |
In centre of field. Incendiaries on each side. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1199 |
Lansdown Place East |
In a garden 30 feet from Lansdown Road. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2078 |
Lansdown Place East On the road 50 yards from HE2078 |
Damage opposite. Picture here |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2079 |
Lansdown Road |
In the grounds of Kingswood School |
4055 |
Lansdown Road, at "Lindo Villas". |
15 |
26/27 Apr |
I2037 |
Lansdown Road. See also I2032 |
Lansdown View, junction with King Georges Road. "Terrace House" north of Landsdown View |
Direct hit on house. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1238 |
Lansdown View, junction with King Georges Road |
In garden east of Lansdown View. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1239 |
Lansdown View, junction with Albany Road. See HE1094 |
UXB. |
Lime Grove |
Back of No.6 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1219 |
Lime Grove |
On canal bank |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1256 |
Linden Gardens  |
Direct hit on 2 houses. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2134 |
Livingstone Road, Junction with Moorland Road. |
The Livingstone Hotel badly damaged |
4063 |
Livingstone Road. See also Stanley Road |
Livingstone Villas. See Lower Oldfield Park |
Locksbrook Road |
UXB in Clarence Place |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0021 |
Locksbrook Road |
UXB at rear of No.132 |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0022 |
Locksbrook Road |
UXB in a paddock to the rear of "Guest, Wood & Ling" |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0023 |
Locksbrook Road |
UXB in a paddock to the rear of "Guest, Wood & Ling" |
3 Dec 1940 |
16.25 |
HE0024 |
Locksbrook Road |
In garden of No.89 |
16/17 Jan 1941 |
22.23 |
HE0051 |
Locksbrook Road |
Rear of. Midland Cottages damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1151 |
Locksbrook Road. On River Bank south of HE1151 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1250 |
Locksbrook Road. Between HE1250 and HE1229 |
4074 |
Locksbrook Road |
On side walk to saw mill. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2144 |
Locksbrook Road. At rear of Congregational Church |
Serious damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1229 |
Locksbrook Road, Western Cut |
On canal bank near bridge. Picture here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2143 |
Locksbrook Road, River Avon, 500 yards east of junction of Weston Cut |
Direct hit on north bank. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1230 |
London Road, between Bath and Batheaston |
In a field near the "Waggon & Horses" |
HE0001 |
London Road |
On greenhouses in nurseries at "Kensington". |
1800 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2126 |
London Road |
At bottom of the garden of "Kensington", back of Percy Place, 200 yards from the bus depot. See also Kensington Gardens. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2130 |
London Road |
In garden 200 feet from main road and 200 feet from a row of houses |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1191 |
London Road |
UXB in garden behind house
approx. 100 yards from main road. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1208 |
London Road |
On Recreation Ground 100 yards from river, 300 yards from main road and bus depot. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2131 |
London Road, behind Kensington Place |
In back garden 150 feet from house. Severe damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2132 |
London Road, Kensington Place |
4013 |
London Road, at rear of Grosvenor Nursery |
Glasshouses seriously damaged and damage to cottages (3c). |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2148 |
Lower Bristol Road  See also Brook Road and Vernon Park and Elm Grove Terrace. |
Lower Bristol Road |
On river bank east of Sydenham Road |
4028 |
Lower Brisrol Road, near HE2105 |
4029 |
Lower Bristol Road |
158 feet from corner of Sydenham Road. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
4.30 |
HE2105 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Considerable damage. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1021 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Graves damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2009 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Considerable damage. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1022 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Graves damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2008 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Chapel damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2010 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
Serious Damage to Timber Yard adjacent to cemetery. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1023 |
Lower Bristol Road, St.James Cemetery |
4 |
25/26 Apr |
3.00 |
I1013 |
Lower Bristol Road |
Direct hit on House. Timber Yard at rear. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1182 |
Lower Bristol Road, Timber Store. |
1 |
N/K |
I3058 |
Lower Bristol Road. In yard of Anglo American Oil Co |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1057 |
Lower Bristol Road. 110 feet from HE1054 |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1056 |
Lower Bristol Road. In forecourt of City Steam Transport Co., 40 feet north of building |
Serious damage. Shelter demolished causing casualties. Click here for pictures |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1248 |
Lower Bristol Road, north side, east of I1005 |
20 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1006 |
Lower Bristol Road, Cabinet Works |
1 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1005 |
Lower Bristol Road, BAC Works, area around |
?100 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1004 |
Lower Bristol Road, Cabinet Works, field north of |
1 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1003 |
Lower Bristol Road, BAC Works, field north of |
2 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1002 |
Lower Bristol Road, opposite Avon Buildings and embankment |
4 houses damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1015 |
Lower Bristol Road - New Road Buildings junction with Rivers Place |
16/17 Jan 1941 |
22.23 |
HE0028 |
Lower Bristol Road - New Road Buildings junction with Rivers Place |
16/17 Jan 1941 |
22.23 |
HE0027 |
Lower Bristol Road, between railway embankment and Carr's Upper Mills. |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2007 |
Lower Bristol Road, in road between railway embankment and Carr's Upper Mills |
Mills seriously damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1014 |
Lower Bristol Road, near Twerton |
Some damage |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
1.17 |
HE0040 |
Lower Bristol Road, near W & R Cooke |
1 rail smashed in two and pitched 6 feet from crater. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2001 |
Lower Bristol Road |
On railway embankment wall, rails dislodged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2002 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
3 houses demolished, water and gas supplies damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1065 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
35 |
25/26 Apr |
23.50 |
I1012 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
Direct hit on a house. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1073 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
In garden at back of house, water supply damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1074 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
In garden at back of house. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1075 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
In road, serious damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1076 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
Direct hit on house. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1077 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
At back 30 feet from railway. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1079 |
Lower Oldfield Park |
At back in garden 92 feet from the railway. Medical Centre destroyed. (Pictures here) |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1080 |
Lower Oldfield Park, Livingstone Villas  |
14 |
25/26 Apr |
3.00 |
I1010 |
Lower Oldfield Park. See also Cedar Walk |
Lymore Gardens. |
22 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
I2052 |
Lymore Terrace, junction with Coronation Avenue. See HE1083 |
Location |
Damage |
Kg |
Night of |
Time |
Bomb No |
Magdalene Avenue |
Direct hit on No.23. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
5.30 |
HE1173 |
Manvers Street |
4 houses demolished. Pictures here |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
3.00 |
HE2022 |
Manvers Street, Fortt's Biscuit Factory.  |
Direct hit on corner of factory. Water main damaged. Damage to roof and walls. Pictures here. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
1.55 |
HE2025 |
Manvers Street and Philip Street, between |
3 houses demolished. Co-op Milk Factory and Salvation Army Hall damaged and set on fire by Incendiaries. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.55 |
HE2024 |
Manvers Street. On platform, rails above subway at Bath Spa Station |
Blast damage to station, platform torn up, 4 sets of tracks damaged, 3 trucks demolished, others damaged. Water main damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
1.00 |
HE2053 |
Maple Grove. See HE1235 (Bloomfield Avenue) |
Margarets Buildings |
4044 |
Margarets Hill |
In Hedgemead Park alongside. |
4052 |
Marlborough Buildings. |
3 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
I2040 |
Marlborough Lane |
2 houses demolished, 6 seriously damaged, 3" gas main, 2 water mains and a sewer fractured. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
1.05 |
HE1043 |
Marlborough Lane and Upper Bristol Road. See also HE1104 |
10 |
N/K |
I3066 |
Marlborough Lane, east side |
86 |
25/26 Apr |
23.45 |
I1014 |
Maybrick Road into coal house at rear |
UXB. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1049 |
Melrose Grove, Southdown Estate |
Direct hit on No.19. 5 houses totally destroyed, 14 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1161 |
Midland Bridge, stables near. |
1 |
N/K |
I3059 |
Midland Bridge |
1 |
N/K |
I3057 |
Midland Bridge Road, Goods Yard |
70 |
N/K |
I3069 |
Midland Bridge Road, LMS Goods Yard, corner of building |
40 yards of roof damaged. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1019 |
Midland Bridge Road, Midland Goods Station |
8 coal trucks demolished by fire, 2 full; 6 other coal trucks damaged. Large paper store burnt. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1013 |
Midland Bridge Road, River Avon, 10 yards south of Bridge and Midland Road Car Co. and opposite Midland Goods Station |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1012 |
Midland Cottages. See HE1151 |
Midland Road, junction of Percy Terrace. On stack of RSJs at Stothert & Pitt's yard, opposite entrance in Percy Terrace |
Severe damage to Avon Bank Engineering Works. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1247 |
Milk Street, corner house at river end |
2 houses completely demolished, 13 buses destroyed and 17 damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1033 |
Millmead Road, corner of Ringwood Road. In back garden |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1245 |
Milsom Street. See Barton Buildings |
Milton Avenue directly opposite HE1211, north side of road |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.15 |
HE1212 |
Milton Avenue, west end |
Direct hit on last house but one, 10 yards from the road at back of house. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.15 |
HE1211 |
Monksdale Road, Stanley Engineering Co |
Direct hit on machinery. Fire and machine gunning. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1072 |
Monksdale Road, Monksdale Allotments |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1084 |
Monksdale Road, Monksdale Allotments, near the railway |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1085 |
Monksdale Road, 100 feet west of |
On railway embankment. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1232 |
Monksdale Road, east of. Englishcombe Fields, on railway footbridge rear of pavilion |
Pavilion damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1086 |
Monksdale Road |
In fields to the east of the road. |
4060 |
Monksdale Road |
In fields to the east of the road. |
4061 |
Monksdale Road |
In fields to the east of the road. |
4062 |
Monmouth Street |
4035 |
Monmouth Street |
4038 |
Monmouth Street. See I3064 |
Moorland Road. Direct hit on No.24, Post Office |
Nos.24 & 25 demolished. Picture here. |
25/26 Apr |
2.30 |
HE1029 |
Moorland Road and South Avenue. |
12 |
26/27 Apr |
2.10 |
I2026 |
Moorland Road and Stanley Road. See I2025 |
Mount Beacon |
Water main broken at side of No.5. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2123 |
Mount Road  |
UXB rear of Co-op Stores. |
?500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1158 |
Nelson Place |
65 |
N/K |
I3065 |
New King Street, in the centre |
3 houses demolished, serious damage to 6 and a Wesleyan Chapel. Pictures here. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1011 |
New Orchard Street |
4034 |
New Warminster Road |
In a field 600 feet east of HE2149. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2150 |
New Warminster Road |
Direct hit on a building, severe damage to several others. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2151 |
New Warminster Road. Bomb struck a tree 250 feet NW of Pumping Station |
"Cremorne Cottage" damaged, and the Grosvenor Brewery ("Folley" public house). |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2149 |
Newark Iron Works, Stothert & Pitt. |
70 |
26/27 Apr |
2.30 |
I2028 |
Newbridge Road, in field near New Bridge |
HE0049 |
Newbridge Road, in field near New Bridge |
HE0050 |
Newbridge Road, in field near New Bridge |
HE0048 |
Newbridge Road, junction with Old Newbridge Hill |
Oil Bomb. Nos 232, 234 and 236 Newbridge Road damaged. |
1/2 Sep 1940 |
22.24 |
I0021 |
Norfolk Buildings. |
Damage to north end of terrace, from No 13 to No 16. |
26 Apr |
4083 |
Norfolk Buildings. |
5 |
N/K |
I3062 |
Norfolk Crescent |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
HE1040 |
Norfolk Crescent |
Damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
HE1041 |
Norfolk Crescent. In open land (gardens) to the west of the Crescent |
Damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
HE1039 |
North Road |
At the top, near quarries |
4003 |
North Road |
In a field, east of 4003 |
4002 |
North Road |
West of 4003 |
4008 |
Northampton Buildings and Northampton Road. See Julian Road |
Northampton Street |
4051 |
Oak Street |
On railway behind houses |
4025 |
Old Bridge, junction of Dorchester Street and Southgate Street |
UXB.  |
25/26 Apr |
HE1032 |
Old Bridge. See also I3063 |
Oldfied Road, rear of St.George's Lodge. |
Rescue Squad. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1233 |
Oldfield Road |
UXB stuck in house on north side of the road. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1242 |
Oldfield Road |
UXB in front garden north side of the road. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1243 |
Oolite Grove |
In garden 35 yards from the road and 61 yards from Wells Road. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.40 |
HE1141 |
Oolite Grove. Between first 2 houses west of the road, 17 yards from Wells road |
2 houses demolished. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.40 |
HE1140 |
Oolite Road. See HE1142 |
Oriel Grove, Southdown Estate. In gardens at rear of Nos.11 & 12, at junction of Glebe Road |
4 houses demolished, 6 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.30 |
HE1159 |
Paradise Street. See HE2147 |
Paragon  |
Nos. 28 to 30 destroyed. Click here for pictures |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1222 |
Penn Hill, Junction with Newbridge Hill |
4080 |
Percy Place. See HE2130 |
Percy Terrace, junction of Midland Road. See HE1247 |
Peter Street, corner of St.James Parade |
Direct hit near corner of 2 rows of houses, several damaged. |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2004 |
Philip Street. See HE2024 |
Portland Road |
Direct hit on "Bradford Villa". 3 houses totally demolished, 10 severely damaged. |
1000 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2077 |
Portland Road |
North of HE2077 |
4053 |
Primrose Hill. In a garden |
Damage to Turner's Nursery and private garage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1226 |
Primrose Hill. In a garden |
Extensive damage to a house. |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1227 |
Princes Buildings |
Direct hit on No.11 |
11/12 Apr 1941 |
00.25 |
HE0005 |
Prior Park Road |
22 yards from Claverton Road. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
3.00 |
HE2047 |
Prior Park Road |
West of HE2047, 75 yards up hillside. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
3.00 |
HE2048 |
Queen Square, Francis Hotel |
26 yards of building demolished. Pictures here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2003 |
Ragland Street |
4012 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College |
UXB in grounds. |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1131 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College, 120 yards north of main gate |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1127 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College, 100 yards east of HE1127 |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1129 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College, 200 yards east of HE1127 |
4084 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College, 100 yards west of HE1127 |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1130 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College, 70 yards west of entrance gate and 13 yards of main buildings |
Buildings damaged. Picture here. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.25 |
HE1128 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College. In lake north of HE1128 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1132 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College. By fish pond |
4009 |
Ralph Allen's Drive, Prior Park College. In lake north of HE1128 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1133 |
Richmond Road, Royal School |
6 |
26/27 Apr |
1.15 |
I2035 |
Ringwood Road, corner of Millmead Road. See HE1245 |
Ringwood Road, in allotments west of railway |
4081 |
Rockliffe Road, junction with Beckford Gardens |
4014 |
Roman Road. See Guinea Lane |
Roseberry Road, in back garden  |
2 houses demolished, 8 seriously damaged. For pictures, click here |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1150 |
Roseberry Road. East of Adult School on river bank at foot of railway bridge. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1251 |
Roseberry Road. See also HE1248 (Lower Bristol Road) |
Rosslyn Road |
2 houses in Rosslyn Road destroyed, others damaged. Serious damage to one house in Lyme Gardens and to Emmanuel Church |
4076 |
Roundhill Park R.C. In road outside No.19 |
4 houses seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1099 |
Roundhill Park, junction of The Hollow |
2 houses demolished, 2 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1098 |
Roundhill Park. On path outside No.64 |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1241 |
Roundhill Park, No.69 |
4 houses demolished, 4 seriously damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1100 |
Royal Avenue. |
80 |
N/K |
I3068 |
Royal Crescent |
Slight damage. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2013 |
Royal Crescent, on houses. |
13 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
I2039 |
Royal Crescent, on the grass. |
18 |
26/27 Apr |
1.15 |
I2038 |
Royal Victoria Park |
Slight damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.35 |
HE1125 |
Royal Victoria Park |
Slight damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.23 |
HE1126 |
Royal Victoria Park |
By fish pond. |
4068 |
Rush Hill |
In grounds of Barrow Castle. |
4070 |
Rush Hill |
In grounds of Barrow Castle. |
4071 |
Location |
Damage |
Kg |
Night of |
Time |
Bomb No |
Salisbury Road, junction with St.Saviours Road |
4010 |
Second Avenue |
2 houses demolished (Click here for picture). Rescue Squad. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1069 |
Seymour Road (Snow Hill). In garden |
4 houses moved on foundations, backs of houses very badly damaged. |
1000 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2125 |
Seymour Street (Green Park), Queen Street Station  |
2 |
N/K |
I3060 |
Shaft Road.  |
In garden of "Waiwca" , 30 yards west of the road, 30 yards north of Shaft Road and 300 yards SSE of Convalescent Home. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2049 |
Shaft Road.  |
25 yards SSE of HE2049. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2050 |
Shaft Road.  |
In a cornfield 300 yards SSE of HE2050. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2051 |
Shaft Road.  |
In a cornfield 75 yards SSE of HE2051. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2052 |
Shaftesbury Road. See Third Avenue and Junction Road |
Shakespeare Avenue |
At rear of an office. |
1000 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2119 |
Shakespeare Avenue |
Direct hit on a house, damage in Alexandra Road. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2120 |
Shakespeare Avenue |
On house SW side of avenue. Damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2146 |
Sion Hill |
On Golf Course, many incendiaries around. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2088 |
Sion Hill |
On Golf Course 153 feet from HE2088. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2089 |
Sion Hill "Acacia Villa"  |
41 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1047 |
Sion Hill "Ormond Lodge" |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0009 |
Sion Hill "Ormond Lodge" |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0010 |
Sion Hill "Ormond Lodge" |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0013 |
Sion Hill, "Lyde House" |
In garden at back of house. Lawn fire. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2087 |
Sion Hill and Sion Place |
46 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1049 |
Sion Place |
Direct hit on an outhouse in garden at corner of Waldegrave Road. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2133 |
Sion Place |
Direct hit on store outhouses in gardens at corner of Waldegrave Road. |
26/27 Apr |
HE2140 |
Sion Place |
In garden at rear of. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2139 |
Sion Road, at "Glenavon" |
25 |
25/26 Apr |
3.00 |
I1023 |
Sion Road, at "Limes" |
26 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1050 |
Sion Road. See also I1022 |
Sion Row |
43 |
25/26 Apr |
23.15 |
I1048 |
Smallcombe Wood. See Bathwick Hill |
Snow Hill, Juda Place |
By the side of house in lane. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2124 |
Somerset Place. See HE2084 |
Somerset Street, Peoples Mission Hall |
Half demolished. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1031 |
South Avenue |
Direct hit on No.37. Nos.36, 37 & 38 demolished. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1082 |
South Avenue. See also I2026 |
South Parade, St.John's RC Church House |
Direct hit, demolished. Damage to church and adjoining church. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
HE2019 |
Southgate Street |
Furzes Café and 2 shops demolished. Severe damage to surroundings including roof of the Odeon Cinema. The damage extended to Newark Street, picture here. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1030 |
Southgate Street. See also HE1032 |
Southview Road, junction with Brook Road. See Brook Road |
Spa Gardens. See St Saviours Road |
Springfield Close |
Nos.14 & 15 hit. Nos.13 to 16 totally demolished, No.8 seriously damaged, 30 other houses damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1089 |
Springfield Farm. 75 yards west of Fox Hill, 200 yards north of Bradford Road |
In a cornfield 300 yards from the farmhouse. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1139 |
Springfield Farm. 150 yards east of HE1134 |
Direct hit on cow sheds south of farm. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1135 |
Springfield Farm. In field 300 yards SE of cow sheds |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1216 |
Springfield Farm |
North of farmhouse, 100 yards east of HE1216. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2129 |
Springfield Farm. In field 100 yards NW of HE1216 |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1217 |
Springfield Farm. In field 50 yards NW of HE1217, opposite "The Briars", near Entry Hill |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1218 |
Springfield Farm |
4011 |
St.Edwards Road, east side  |
42 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
I1021 |
St.James Parade |
East of HE2004 |
4031 |
St.James Parade, near Corn Street |
4032 |
St.James Parade. See also HE2004 |
St.James Square. |
12 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
I2043 |
St.James Street. See I3064 |
St.James Street South |
4033 |
St.John Road |
11 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
I1018 |
St.Mary's Buildings. See HE2061 |
St.Michael's Road. NE of cemetery in open ground |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2036 |
St.Michael's Road. NE of cemetery in open ground |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
HE2037 |
St.Saviour's Road. Centre of the road |
50 feet of stone wall demolished. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1194 |
St.Saviour's Road. In a side road 150 feet from the church |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1196 |
St.Saviour's Road. In rear garden of houses north of church |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1246 |
St.Saviour's Road/Spa Gardens. In a garden 150 yards from the road and 40 yards from house |
Little damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
4.50 |
HE1195 |
St.Stephens Road |
4054 |
Stanley Road  |
5 houses demolished, pictures here. Also blast damage in Manvers Street, pictures here. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.55 |
HE2023 |
Stanley Road West  |
No.3 demolished. Serious damage to 2 houses. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1026 |
Stanley Road West and Moorland Road. |
9 |
26/27 Apr |
2.10 |
I2025 |
Stanley Road West, junction with Livingstone Road |
Direct hit on surface shelter which was demolished. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1027 |
Stanley Road West, on No.11, 156 feet from centre of Livingstone Road |
Nos.11 & 12 totally demolished, 10 seriously damaged. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1028 |
Station Road and Ashley Avenue See I1009 |
Sydenham Road. See HE2105 |
Tennyson Road |
Direct hit, 5 houses completely demolished. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
HE2035 |
Tennyson Road. At rear of No.30, opposite Westhall Road |
UXB. |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
HE2032 |
Tennyson Road, west of Westhall Road |
4 houses demolished. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
HE2034 |
The Avenue |
In the grounds of "The Woodlands" |
4001 |
The Hollow |
Severe damage to West Twerton School |
16/17 Jan 1941 |
22.23 |
HE0016 |
The Hollow. In a ploughed field near |
Damage. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1102 |
The Hollow, West Twerton Council School |
Half demolished, 12 houses damaged. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.50 |
HE2031 |
The Hollow. In front garden of No.202 |
2 bungalows demolished, 4 seriously damaged. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1101 |
The Hollow. Rear of No.204 |
2 bungalows demolished, 4 seriously damaged. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1103 |
The Hollow, junction of Round Hill Park. See HE1098 |
The Weal, Weston Farm |
702 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
I2070 |
Third Avenue and Shaftesbury Road, junction of |
Direct hit on public shelter. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1168 |
Third Avenue and Shaftesbury Road, junction of |
Direct hit on shop. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1236 |
Thornbank Place |
In back garden. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
5.00 |
HE1186 |
Thornbank Place |
Direct hit on end house which was partly demolished. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1200 |
Thornbank Road |
Direct hit on a house which was destroyed. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1189 |
Triangle East  |
UXB Hit side of No.34. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1050 |
Triangle West  |
Direct hit on No.36. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1051 |
Upper Bloomfield Road |
In a garden 24 yards from Colborne Road, 58 yards east of Upper Bloomfield Road. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
1.40 |
HE1143 |
Upper Borough Walls |
Direct hit on Mineral Water Hospital. Bomb struck upper part of corner of buildings, top floor demolished (area 50 feet x 50 feet). |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2155 |
Upper Bristol Road |
4 houses and shops demolished and damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
HE1042 |
Upper Bristol Road, corner of Marlborough Lane. See also I3066 |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1104 |
Upper Bristol Road. In basement of a house opposite Marlborough Lane |
The house demolished. Picture here. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1105 |
Upper Bristol Road, 92 feet from Marlborough Lane |
UXB. |
25/26 Apr |
HE1106 |
Upper Bristol Road, Lower Common, in allotment |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1107 |
Upper Bristol Road, Lower Common, in allotment |
No damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1108 |
Upper Bristol Road, Lower Common, in allotment |
Some damage. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1109 |
Upper Bristol Road, east of Midland Road Bridge |
4073 |
Upper Bristol Road, just southwest of HE1110 |
4067 |
Upper Bristol Road, in centre of road |
25/26 Apr |
HE1110 |
Upper Bristol Road, Lower Common |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1112 |
Upper Bristol Road, Royal Victoria Park |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1111 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery |
Graves damaged. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
24.00 |
HE1113 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery |
Graves damaged. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
24.00 |
HE1114 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery, north of HE1113 |
4075 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery |
90 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1016 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery, field north of |
90 |
25/26 Apr |
1.00 |
I1017 |
Upper Bristol Road, Locksbrook Cemetery, in gardens south of Hungerford Road, 600 feet east of footbridge |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1237 |
Upper Bristol Road. |
12 |
N/K |
I3067 |
Upper Church Street |
Direct hit, 8 houses damaged. Picture here. |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1044 |
Upper East Hayes, junction with Belgrave Road. See Belgrave Road |
Upper Hedgemead Road 100 yards from front of Camden Crescent on a hillside |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1193 |
Upper Lansdown Mews  |
In a garden, extensive damage. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2083 |
Upper Oldfield Park |
In front garden. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2027 |
Upper Oldfield Park |
At side of house. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2028 |
Van Diemans Lane Fields (13 x Type 1) |
619 |
26/27 Apr |
1.45 |
I2044 |
Vernon Park, junction of Lower Bristol Road. In back garden of a house |
Serious damage. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1249 |
Victoria Avenue. |
23 |
26/27 Apr |
2.10 |
I2027 |
Victoria Road, direct hit on No.3 |
21 houses demolished, 36 damaged and a shelter. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1024 |
Victoria Road, North side |
Pictures here. |
4066 |
Victoria Bridge Road, LMS Goods Yard |
Blast damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1020 |
Victoria Bridge Road, Stothert & Pitt. In Mixer and Gun Mounting Shops on east side of works, 120 feet south of River Avon |
Whole roof collapsed. |
1000 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1255 |
Waldegrave Road. In a garden 6 feet from the wall |
Incendiaries burnt out house in garden. Fire 50 feet away. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2086 |
Waldegrave Road. See also Sion Place |
Warminster Road. See New Warminster Road, which is what the 1942 maps show. |
Wells Road |
Direct hit on shops opposite Hayesfield Park Road. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1169 |
Wells Road |
UXB in back garden of "Hayesfield Villa". |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
5.30 |
HE1171 |
Wells Road |
Direct hit on corner of "Hayesfield Villa". |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1172 |
Wells Road, junction with Wells Way |
Direct hit on shop. Pictures here. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1205 |
Wells Road |
Direct hit on No. 35A, 50 yards from the railway line. The photograph of the resulting damage forms the background to the Project logo. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2062 |
Wells Road |
On railway embankment north of the road and south of Lower Bristol Road, near HE2062. |
50 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2145 |
Wells Road, junction with Paradise Street |
4026 |
Wells Road, junction with Paradise Street |
4027 |
Wells Road. On house on south side, 180 feet east of Paradise Street |
Cottages damaged. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2147 |
Wells Road at junction of Beechen Cliffe Place and Wells Way |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1207 |
Wells Road, St.Mary's Buildings, at side of house |
3 houses demolished opposite. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2061 |
Wells Road. Direct hit on a tree at the back of the "Cedars" |
Damage. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
4.00 |
HE1188 |
Wells Road |
In gardens between Wells Road and Bloomfield Gardens |
4022 |
Wells Road. See also Colborne Road |
Wells Way. In road near junction of Beechencliffe Road and Holloway. |
50 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1174 |
Wells Way. Junction with Holloway and Wells Road |
UXB. (Thanks to Ian Montgomery who used to live in
Holloway, and who informed me of this omission.) |
4085 |
Wells Way. 6 feet from front of AVOCA on west side of road, 30 yards south of entrance to Bloomfield Sports Ground |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1210 |
Wells Way |
Direct hit on Post Office corner of Bruton Avenue. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1175 |
Wells Way, junction with Frome Road. See Frome Road |
Westfield Close. See Englishcombe Lane |
Rear of corner house. |
Westgate Buildings, Abbey Church House |
Damage to Abbey Church House and 1 house demolished. Picture here. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1007 |
Westgate Buildings, No.11, Smith Bros |
1 house demolished, small fire. Pictures here. |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1006 |
Westgate Buildings. Opposite Abbey Church House |
25/26 Apr |
23.30 |
HE1008 |
Westgate Street |
4036 |
Westhall Road |
No.7 completely demolished, others damaged. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
1.30 |
HE2033 |
Westhall Road. See also Tennyson Road |
Westmoreland Street |
In centre of road, water, gas and electricity supplies damaged. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2104 |
Westmoreland Station Road, Castle View |
Direct hit on last house in row, 150 feet from railway. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2108 |
Westmoreland Station Road |
On railway sidings. |
4064 |
Weston Park, outside "Cranwells" |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0012 |
Weston Park, in a field opposite "Cranwells" |
Gas pipe fractured |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0011 |
Weston Park, in the road near "Cranwells" |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0014 |
Weston Park, just west of HE0014 |
24 Nov 1940 |
21.45 |
HE0015 |
Weston Park |
In field. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2136 |
Weston Park. In a field |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1224 |
Weston Park. In a field |
500 |
25/26 Apr |
HE1225 |
Weston Road |
Damage to stone pillar at entrance gate of Approach Golf Course |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2039 |
Weston Road |
Wall down, damage caused. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2040 |
Weston Road. In garden at rear of "Granville Lodge" |
Damage. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
23.30 |
HE2038 |
Weston Road  |
In garden at rear of house. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2135 |
Weston Road, in field behind houses |
4077 |
Whiteway Road, at Pennyquick Bottom |
In a field north of road, west of Newton Brook |
HE0045 |
Whiteway Road, near Pennyquick Bottom |
In Inglescombe Nursery, south of road. Damage to buildings |
HE0044 |
Whiteway Road, near Pennyquick Bottom, east of HE0044 |
In a field, part of Inglescombe Nursery |
HE0039 |
Whiteway Road, near Pennyquick Bottom |
In a field south of road, south of Inglescombe Nursery |
HE0038 |
Widcome Hill, junction with Claverton Down Road. See Claverton Down Road |
Windsor Bridge Road, Bath Gasworks |
35 |
25/26 Apr |
1.25 |
I1007 |
Windsor Bridge Road, Bath Gas Works |
Direct hit on 3rd Gas Holder from east. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.28 |
HE1220 |
Windsor Bridge Road, Bath Gas Works |
Direct hit on base of 4th gasholder from east. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
2.00 |
HE2099 |
Windsor Bridge Road, Bath Gas Works. On edge of river |
1st holder from east. |
250 |
25/26 Apr |
23.28 |
HE1221 |
Winifreds Lane |
Direct hit, damage to houses, water mains, gas and electricity supplies. |
250 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2085 |
Winifreds Lane, rear of Somerset Place |
In a garden. Many incendiaries in Somerset Place. |
500 |
26/27 Apr |
HE2084 |
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