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Maps Of Bomb Locations

The maps on this web site show the wartime road layout and road names. The map is dated 1939 but seems to be a reprint of a slightly earlier map, because a few roads constructed in the late 1930s do not show.

Click on a position on the overview map or on an area name for a more detailed map of that area.

Detailed maps have UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrows where appropriate to jump to the next map section.
Detailed maps take about 30 seconds to load through a 56K modem, so please be patient.

Note:   Maps may not display correctly on early browsers (Internet Explorer earlier than Version 5; and Netscape earlier than Version 4.5). I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that.
In Netscape 4.7 not all the arrows to go from map to map work: this appears to be a fault in that version of Netscape.

background map  Bathampton
 Bathampton Wood
 Bear Flat
 Claverton Down
 Combe Down
 Fox Hill
 Green Park
 Henrietta Park
 Lower Swainswick
 Lower Weston
 Lyncombe Vale
 Monkton Combe
 Odd Down
 Oldfield Park
 Prior Park
 Royal Crescent
 Rush Hill
 Sion Hill
 Snow Hill
 Summerhill Park
 Upper Bristol Rd
Weston Lower Weston Southdown Rush Hill Sion Hill Upper Bristol Rd Oldfield Park Odd Down Snow Hill Henrietta Park Lyncombe Vale Fox Hill Bathampton Bathampton Wood Claverton Down Combe Down

For copyright reasons, I am unable to include a modern street map of Bath on this web site. Anybody wishing to view a modern map can click on this link and then use the search facilities on that site to locate Bath.


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