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Lower Weston and Twerton

Map 2B
HE1121, 500kg, Combe Park
HE1120, 500kg, Combe Park
HE1124 ,500kg, Combe Park
HE2038, 250kg, Weston Road
I0021, Oil Incendiary, Newbridge Road
HE1119, 500kg, Combe Park
HE1118, 500kg, Combe Park
HE1117, 250kg, Combe Park
HE0033, Audley Park Road
HE1115, 1000kg, Combe Park
HE0032, Audley Park Road
HE0036, Audley Grove
HE0034, Audley Park Road
HE0037, Audley Grove
4079, Apsley Road
HE0031, Edward Street
I0035, Oil Bomb, Edward Street
HE2037, 500kg, St.Michaels Road
4075, Locksbrook Cemetery
4076, Rosslyn Road
HE2034, 500kg, Tennyson Road
HE1114, 250kg, Locksbrook Cemetery
HE2036, 500kg, St.Michaels Road
HE2035, 500kg, Tennyson Road
HE0017, UXB, Cork Street
HE0020, UXB, Brassmill Lane
HE0019, UXB, Brassmill Lane
HE1237, 250kg, Locksbrook Cemetery
HE0018, UXB, Brassmill Lane
HE1152, 500kg, Ashley Avenue
HE1221, 250kg, Windsor Bridge Road
HE1220, 250kg, Windsor Bridge Road
HE0025, UXB, Avondale Road
HE0023, UXB, Locksbrook Road
HE2144, Locksbrook Road
HE0024, UXB, Locksbrook Road
HE0022, UXB, Locksbrook Road
HE0021, UXB, Clarence Place
HE0026, UXB, Avondale Road
HE1251, 250kg, Roseberry Road
HE1228, 1000kg, Avondale Road
HE1151, 500kg, Locksbrook Road
HE2142, 250kg, Avondale Road
HE1150, 500kg, Roseberry Road
HE0051, UXB, Locksbrook Road
HE2001, 250kg, Lower Bristol Road
HE2143, Locksbrook Road
HE2002, 250kg, Lower Bristol Road
HE1229, 250kg, Locksbrook Road
HE1250, 250kg, Locksbrook Road
HE1230, 250kg, Locksbrook Road
HE1248, 500kg, Lower Bristol Road
HE2143, 500kg, Brassmill Lane
HE1052, 500kg, Bellotts Road
HE1081, 1000kg, Brook Road
I1005, Lower Bristol Road
HE0040, Lower Bristol Road
HE1053, 1000kg, Elm Grove Terrace
HE1096, 250kg, Howe Hill
HE1249, 50kg, Vernon Park
HE1055, 500kg, Brook Road
HE1097, 500kg, High Street Twerton
HE1014, 500kg, Lower Bristol Road
HE0027, Lower Bristol Road
HE0028, Lower Bristol Road
HE2007, Lower Bristol Road
HE1095, 50kg, High Street Twerton
HE1015, 250kg, Lower Bristol Road
HE0041, High Street Twerton
HE1231, 50kg, Jews Lane
HE0043, High Street Twerton
I0029, High Street Twerton
HE1094, UXB, Albany Road
HE0042, High Street Twerton
4081, Ringwood Road
HE1093, 250kg, High Street Twerton
4082, King Georges Road
HE1238, 500kg, Lansdown View
HE1239, 1000kg, Lansdown View
HE1240, 500kg, King Georges Road
HE1245, 50kg, Millmead Road
HE1091, 500kg, High Street Twerton
HE1092, 250kg, High Street Twerton
HE1051, 250kg, Triangle West
HE1089, 1000kg, Springfield Close
HE1050, UXB, Triangle East
HE1090, 500kg, Innox Road
HE1154, 500kg, Kelston View
HE1082, 50kg, South Avenue
HE1153, UXB, Kelston View
HE1155, 50kg, Kelston View
HE1049, UXB, Maybrick Road
HE1156, 50kg, Kelston View
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