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Index to Lists of Damaged Buildings.

In May 1942, the Bath City Engineer's office conducted a survey of all the properties damaged by the bombing of Bath. An "Errors and Omissions" list was produced in July 1942, and a second (and final) "Errors and Omissions" list was produced in August 1942.

Anybody who wishes to examine the City Engineer's original documents should note that there are some pages missing from the "Historic Buildings" section of the library copy, but that the Guildhall archives do not hold copies of the "Errors and Omissions" lists, nor the list of damaged schools.

The documentation prepared by the City Engineer was in separate lists for Historic Buildings, Schools, Churches, Residential premises, Industrial Premises, Business premises, Public buildings, and "Miscellaneous" covering mainly sheds, greenhouses, stables and outhouses. A copy of this report is held in the Record Office in the Guildhall. There is also a copy in the store of Bath Central Library, which can be viewed by arrangement with the Local Studies Librarian.

I have collated all this information to produce a list of all damage in each street. Undamaged properties are not listed. Where I have added my own comments, I have put them in this colour and, when I want them to stand out in the tables, in italics.

Click on the letter below to obtain a list of all streets starting with that letter. Then click on the street name to obtain a list of addresses within that street. Where streets have more than one name in common use (eg Ambury or The Ambury), both names appear in the street index (in this case under A and T) but they lead to the same detailed list of premises.

Click on your chosen letter:

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y 

There are no listed streets beginning with X or Z.


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