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Chandos Buildings.

Chandos Buildings is on Map 2c. Chandos Buildings is not shown on the map (nor in the street directory published in the early years of the war). Chandos Buildings is a route for pedestrians only, between St. Michaels Place (just north of the Cross Bath) and Westgate Buildings.
Chandos House was designed and built by John Wood the Elder, and pre-dates both the Royal Crescent and The Circus.  In 1942, it was owned by the Salvation Army. It was later taken over by the charity St. Johns Hospital and was opened in 1984 (by Princess Anne) as sheltered housing.

I am very grateful to the Building Manager and one of the residents for allowing me to go inside the building and see some of the repairs to the wartime damage. The damage to the building included the collapse of a chimney stack which fell through the roof and the upper floors of the building. An oak fire surround around one fireplace was destroyed, and a surround in an appropriate style for the age of the building but made of stone mouldings now takes its place. In another room, a small number of shattered patterned tiles in the fireplace could not be matched, and eight tiles (four on each side of the fireplace to maintain the symmetry) have been replaced by plain tiles of a slightly different colour.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
  Chandos House Dwelling House Minor general damage  
  Chandos Court Dwelling House Minor general damage  

This 18th Century painting of Chandos house shows it in its original setting. The building behind the trees is Abbey Church House.

Old picture Chandos House

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