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Cavendish Road.

Cavendish Road is on Map 1c. Cavendish Road is named on the map. Cavendish Road runs from Julian Road to Sion Hill. Along with addresses showing Cavendish Road itself, the road contains named terraces: see also Cavendish Place.
The City Engineer's report wrongly showed Cavendish Lodge and Cavendish Villa as addresses in Cavendish Place. I have moved them to Cavendish Road.
There are few addresses in Cavendish Road itself: the road has High Common on one side for its entire length. Heading north from Julian Road, the first section of the road has the rear of the buildings that form part of St James Square. The second section is Cavendish Place. Then a few separately named buildings span the gap between the end of Cavendish Place and Cavendish Crescent

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
  Cavendish Lodge Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
  Cavendish Villa Dwelling House Minor general damage  

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