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Teenager's Memories

The stories in this "Teens" section are the personal memories of people who were still young at the time of the blitz, but old enough to remember the events in some detail.  This section contains the memories of some of the youngsters from 11 to 16 years old, who lived through the Bath Blitz.

Memory is a strange thing. Some 60 years after the events, some memories are vivid and completely accurate, while others have odd inaccuracies that the person remembering doesn't realise they have. Where there is reason to believe that a person has remembered wrongly, comments have been added to explain why.

Where other information would help put the stories into context, these have been added too.

In this section are the following stories.

Cynthia's story

Cynthia wrote to me asking me to clarify something that she had seen in the Bath At War video. I replied to her, and with my reply I asked if she could remember anything from the Bath Blitz. This is what she sent me.

Douglas's story

Douglas Reynolds recalls his experiences in a Rescue Squad.

Evelyn's story

Evelyn arranged for a friend to type and e-mail her wartime memories of being bombed out of her home in Lower Weston.

Frank's story

Frank originally added his memory to the Memories Book. I have moved it to its own page so that i can add some photographs to illustrate it.

Irene's story

Irene was an evacuee who discovered that Bath was not as safe as the authorities had thought.

Ivor's story

Ivor e-mailed me his wartime memories.

Lita's story

Lita provided her story for the exhibition that was mounted by the Project to mark the 61st anniversary of the Bath blitz. I have added some photographs to illustrate it and have reproduced it here.

Michael's story

Michael provided his story for the exhibition that was mounted by the Project to mark the 61st anniversary of the Bath blitz. I have added some photographs to illustrate it and have reproduced it here.

Phyllis's story

Phyllis was bombed out of her home in Roundhill Park and lived in Paulton then another address in Bath before moving back into her original house after it was rebuilt. New

Rex's story

Rex was in the Home Guard and on duty in Bath.

Rocky's story

Rocky was on duty as a Civil Defence messenger during the bombing, and he provided his story for the exhibition that was mounted by the Project to mark the 61st anniversary of the Bath blitz.

Ron's first and second stories.

Ron provided three stories: two specific to Bath, the first about an amazing discovery when Ron was 11; the  second covering the nights of the Bath Blitz when Ron was 13. A link on those pages leads to Ron's third story when he was 15 and working in London.  More information has been added to the first story.

Also teens, but their stories appear in the Archives section.

Joyce's story

Joyce lived in Batheaston, but cycled into Bath to find out what had happened to her father.

Kenneth's story

Kenneth provided his story for the exhibition that was mounted by the Project to mark the 61st anniversary of the Bath blitz, as a clipping of his interview with the Bath Chronicle. I have added some photographs to illustrate it and have reproduced it here.


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