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Harry Remembers The Pearson Family

The Pearson Family of No 21 Snow Hill, next door to the Baily family whose story Harry also recounted.

Snow HillThere was Mr Charles Pearson and Mrs May Pearson and teenage sons, Dennis, Horace and Cecil.  Dennis, aged 19, was in the Home Guard, Horace, aged 16, was a messenger, and Cecil was only 13.

Mr Charles Pearson was also in the Home guard and when the air raid siren sounded he reported to his post further up Snow Hill.  He was accompanied by one of his sons.

During a lull in the raid Mr Pearson sent his son home to check that his mother and brothers were safe.  According to reports, as the boy entered his home, it received a direct hit from a 500Kg HE bomb, completely destroying the house (see picture) and killing Mrs Pearson and the two boys with her.  It was later reported that the body of the third son was found in the remains of the hallway, having just entered the house.

Harry reports:  "This story was told to me years later by my wife who lived next door at that time.  I have no record of what happened to Mr Pearson after that tragedy".


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