About This Website

This website has been created by the Bath Blitz Memorial Project to provide a historical record of the bombing of Bath during the Second World War. It aims to inform of the events of that time, and to preserve personal memories for future generations. If you have memories, photographs or information that is not already on this website, please visit the Help Us page.
The buttons at the top of each page allow navigation round the site.
Yellow buttons identify the section and subsection you are currently looking at.
Light tan buttons indicate other subsections in the current main section.
Green buttons identify other main sections.
Alternatively, the Index page gives a fuller description of the layout and content of this website.
The subsections under the Home button provide information about the Project and its activities. All the other buttons lead to educational information about the Bath Blitz.
Links within this website normally replace the page you are reading. Links to other websites are displayed in a separate window, which is opened the first time it is needed, and then reused for all such links until it is closed. This site's Guest Book also appears in the second window.
About this site - Some technical notes
This site has been designed to display best at 1024x768 resolution with your browser showing web pages across the whole width of the screen. Although most of the content will display reasonably at other resolutions, or if you are using Internet Explorer with the "Favourites" bar at the side of the screen, though some pages may not be laid out as neatly as intended.
The site is entirely constructed in HTML and uses no JavaScript except to display the count of visitors. The bulk of the site is designed to work with any browser. However, displaying the bombs superimposed onto map sections requires commands that were not supported before Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 4.5. There are also small differences in the way different browsers interpret layout commands which may affect the appearance of some pages.