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The following links deal with Bath but not specifically WWII.

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Bath Record Office

The Bath Record Office in the Guildhall, holds archive material from the 12th Century to the present day. The archives contain some WWII records and the Archivist has assisted the research for this web site, for which I am very grateful.

Mayors Guides Logo

The Mayor of Bath's Honorary Guides provide a series of guided walks around Bath. All walks are free and no advanced booking is required. Occasionally, special themed walks also take place, usually in conjunction with an exhibition that is running.

Click on their logo or here for more information about the Mayor's Guides and the walks available.

Bath Heritage Watchdog

Bath Heritage Watchdog started as a by-product of the fight to save Churchill House with the realisation that the destruction of Churchill House was not the only planning disaster on the horizon.  It became apparent that there was a need for a group to co-ordinate public opinion and lobby against planning applications that would damage Bath's heritage.

Click on the photo or the words Bath Heritage Watchdog for more information about their activities.

Museum Logo

The Museum of Bath at Work displays a range of permanent exhibits dealing with Bath's industrial heritage, and from time to time supplements these with special exhibitions on specific subjects.  It also holds a collection of documents that can be studied and Oral Histories that can be heard, by special arrangement with the curator. The museum also stores the Project's exhibits when they are not needed for display.

Click on their logo or here for more information about the museum.

Victoria Gallery Logo

The Victoria Art Gallery shows a permanent collection and a series of special events.

Click on their logo or here for details of current and future events.

Bath Preservation Trust Logo

The Bath Preservation Trust was set up in 1934 to protect the character of Bath, and it now operates a number of specialist museums in Bath, including Number 1 Royal Crescent.  Click on their logo or here for the Trust's website.

Recital Artists Logo

The Bath Recital Artists' Trust is a charitable organisation, founded in 1978, which arranges musical recitals in the magnificent concert venue of the Pump Room in Bath, giving performing opportunities to talented young professional musicians from all over the world, and making these performances available at a modest price to a wide range of people.  Click on their logo or here for their programme of events.

New  Having lost its Arts Grant in the Council's budget cuts, this charity is now seeking sponsors.  Each concert costs a substantial sum in hall fees and musician expenses, so every little helps.  Contact details are on their website, if you wish to help.

Bath Past

Jean Manco, a Building Historian, has a site covering the history of Bath, but it does not mention the Bath blitz.  It is an interesting site, and you should find a link back to the Bath Blitz Memorial Project.

Bath thru the Ages

A section of a larger site which provides web design and hosting services for Bath organisations.  Bath thru the Ages provides a short history of significant events in Bath's history from the time of the Celts, and the Project has provided the text for the section on the Second World War.

bathnet logo

A site consisting of a lot of links to other Bath information sites.  Worth a browse.

Chronicle logo

The Bath Chronicle is Bath's local daily newspaper.  Some of its articles can be read on-line.

Boys Brigade logo

The Bath Battalion of the Boys Brigade had a role to play in the Bath Blitz, and the "History" section of their site has some information on the impact of the bombing.
The 2nd Bath Company of the Boys' Brigade awarded our site their "Favourite Site of the Week" award on 2nd March 2003.

Bath Arms logo

The Charter Trustees of Bath have opened a web site with a lot of information about Bath and Bath's Mayors.
The Charter Trustees granted the Project permission to use the Bath Coat of Arms on the memorial plaque, and the plaque was unveiled by Bath's mayor

Bath Choral Society logo

In October 2004, the Bath Choral Society featured the bombing of Bath and its twin town Brunswick as a background to its War Requiem programme, which was advertised on this site.  That set of concerts is now finished, but I am keeping this link to the Society's own web site, where future choral events will be announced.


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